Odoo Support SLA

(Service Level Agreement)

Understand Priority, Response and Resolution Times in SLAs

This is Niova IT definition of Service Level Agreement to help our customers to understand and report service request.

Priority Level Definition. The priority matrix defines the response time and resolution time based on the priority. Below is the definition of the different priorities:




Response Time

Resolution Time

Priority 1


A complete business down situation. The client is unable to operate and there is no possible alternative.

1 hour

4 hours

Priority 2


A major component of the client’s ability to operate is affected. Some aspects of the business can continue but it’s a major problem. No acceptable alternative is possible.

4 hours

24 hours

Priority 3


The clients core business is unaffected but the issue is affecting efficient operation by one or more people. A workaround is available.

2 working day

5 working days

Priority 4


The issue is an inconvenience or annoying but there are clear workarounds or alternates.

10 working days

15 working days

Priority 5


The issue is a background or planned task and will be addressed when time permits or on the planned date.

20 working days

30 working days

Response Time. In the context of Niova IT SLAs, respond time means we will receive and acknowledge your issue and that we will have allocated a technical resource to commence work on the issue.  For all Priority 1 and certain Priority 2 tasks we undertake to continue to work on the problem continuously* until the issue is resolved.

*Note: unless you have 24/7 support, all time frames and "continuous" means during business hours.

Resolution Time. In the context of Niova IT SLAs, Having a pre-defined resolution time lets customers know the quality of service they can expect once they contact your Help Center. The resolution time is the amount of time between when the customer first opens a ticket and when that ticket is solved (i.e., closed).

Determination of The Priority. The priority level will be initially determined by Niova IT. We know a lot about your business and are generally able to make this determination accurately.  Occasionally, we might get this wrong and not fully perceive the scope of the issue, so please let us know if you think any issue warrants a different priority level and why. 

The priority level for a particular task are determined based on the impact of the problem and the perceived urgency as given by the client. For our contract clients we utilize the following matrix to arrive at a priority level:


High Urgency

Medium Urgency

Low Urgency

High Impact




Medium Impact




Low Impact


